
Interpres Application - Ordr Integration

  • Type: Cloud
  • Vendor: Ordr

The Ordr integration will pull devices and vulnerabilities discovered by Ordr or reported by Ordr integrations.

Vendor setup

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Integrations.
Document image

  1. Type SCE API into the search box, then click SCE API from the table list.
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  1. Enter the API username and password in the corresponding fields. Authentication mode is set to Local by default.
  2. Click Save.

App Configuration

App Parameters:

  • Base URL: The base url for the api this should just be scheme + host e.g.
  • Username: SCE API username
  • Password: SCE API password
  • Proxy: A valid proxy server and port. This should of the form 'http[s]://:'

App Validation

Check there is connectivity (green light) in the integration created.

Implemented Actions

  • Get Assets: Gets the devices discovered in the network or reported by Ordr integrations.
  • Get Vulnerabilites: Gets vulnerabilities discovered during the scanning process or reported by Ordr integrations.